Today I went to see our baby for it's very first photo shoot! Pretty exciting, a little uncomfortable and vastly rewarding. Right off the bat we were told, and shown, that our little bundle is a
BOY! And everything else looked good, he's measuring right on track and according to all the girls in the ultrasound department, is an extremely cute baby. :)
So, now I can start planning with more confidence, buying clothes and picking out colored stuff. And of course... deciding on a name. I had the perfect girl's name picked out... Aurora Concetta. But, I have no boys names at all! I like Connor a lot, I don't know if I'm 100% in love with it. I'm really nervous about giving birth and not having a name... since I still don't have names for the kittens and they are nine months almost! So cross your fingers that I will be able to find something wonderful and soon.