Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Beach Faces

So happy to be at the beach!

 That's more like it, what a sweetie 

Fake smile!  Look at his scar/fake dimple :(

Bobo LOVES being at the beach!

Cutie Face

My sister saw me editing this picture and told me I make the same face!  I don't think I do, I've never seen me make this face.... have you??

In other news, we're trying to get him to be more 'British' by saying this like 'knickers', 'brillo' and 'well-chuffed!'  Dual citizenship is right around the bend! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Chocolate Face

I love this, perfect summer memory!  Nothing like a breakfast of a rich chocolate muffin while the warm air beckons for a day of playing outside.  Fresh flowers from the garden help too.  I'm starting a new 'starred' label for my favorite single pictures.  This way I can eventually organize them into sections that are easily clickable and findable, and all my favorites will be right there!

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