Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mutant Strawberry

In one of the boxes of strawberries we got we found this crazed mutant one...

I just handed it to Arin for a second so he could see how big it was, and was going to take a picture of it in his tiny hand... well guess what he did before I could snap the photo? Om nom nom!

I was a little concerned he might become a mutant alien himself, but it's been a while and he seems fine. Maybe he'll get super Spiderman powers when he reaches maturity, and I'll know where it came from...

In the end, after he had taken a few bites out of it, I cut it up (the top was a little ucky) for some strawberry shortcake with cream. Mmm!


tavus said...

hmm, you are pretty clever in making a mutan out of your son. Who doesn't want a wolverine?

Emily said...

I know! In addition to having a bunch of nifty friends, he'll be able to slice up strawberries like nobody's business... what a great little helper he would be around the house. Hee hee!


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