5 hours ago
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Posting is like Jumping off a Really Big Rock
Ok, so not really... I'm just doing a bunch of other stuff! I have millions of Bobo photos to put up, seems once again I'll never get around to everything. We've been doing a lot of projects/summer cleaning around the house and I've been spending a large percent of my 'computer time' doing stuff related to my summer class... which I'm finding pretty challenging compared to the previous two. Heaven help me come fall when I will be taking FOUR, including the super deadly horrifyingly impossible DBA III class (if I even get into it... eek).
On the Bobo front we're moving steadily into shrieking season and tantrum city, but also getting the joy of hearing a ton of words and a lot more comprehension of the way the world around him works... really amazing to see the little wheels in his mind turning! He is showing increasing knowledge about time, night/day, nice/mean, which foods he prefers, and how to express what he wants. I can't believe he's almost two, and it seems he gets bigger and smarter every day! He's a completely different creature from the little cuddle munchkin he was a year ago.